It’s been a while since I’ve written anything on here. I’ve been busy adjusting to the many changes happening around me.
Since our last chat, I’ve had a couple babies and am currently growing another one.
I’ve switched jobs a couple times.
I’ve learned A LOT about myself.
What I find to be most important - I’ve begun to nourish my relationship with God.
Maybe I lost some of you there- but I hope you’ll stick around and hear me out.
The changes in my life haven’t all been planned, positive, or of my own choice. Some have been regarding my health, some to my lifestyle, and some to my family life. However, near the top of that list is my relationship with God because I can say with certainty that it has touched all areas of my life.
Recently, a friend of mine from my church pulled me to the side to chat. She started the conversation basically telling me she hadn’t always felt that I was the most friendly person. As an extrovert who prides herself on socialization and her ability to build and maintain relationships, that was a bit of a hard pill to swallow at first.
But as she continued, she said, “You seem different lately - lighter, happier…” etc.
Because I am! I have felt more myself since the beginning of this year than I have for a long time and I know that has everything to do with my relationship with Jesus.
It occurred to me during our conversation that there was a period of time, not so long ago, that I felt like I didn’t have many friends. I couldn’t remember how to talk to people, have conversations, or build a friendship without seeming desperate or overthinking every tiny detail of every conversation.
Well, it turns out, I actually probably didn’t have many friends! I was so stressed and overwhelmed just trying to keep all the proverbial balls in the air that I couldn’t - or maybe wouldn’t- make the mental space I needed to continue living my extroverted lifestyle.
Stress plagued my every moment, anxiety discouraged me in every moment and at every opportunity. Overthought and over-analysis of every conversation, every decision, and every thing consumed my mental capacity, leaving me an empty shell of a human being.
THAT little chat -and brave moment of admission and honesty from my friend - felt like a direct message from God encouraging me to keep reading His Word and listening for His voice. Since I’ve regularly implemented a bible study into my routine, I have so much more peace. I do feel lighter!
The reason I’m sharing all of this is to announce some changes coming to my website/blog. It will no longer focus solely on art and my freelance gigs.
YES - I absolutely will still be sharing that information and progress as I go. (Let’s be honest, if anyone even reads this, I’ll be surprised given my lack of attention to this platform for the last two to three years.)
I’m going to expand my brand to include more of my interests, lifestyle, etc. I hope that anyone who’s been following along will continue on this journey with me.