Ashton Kever

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She Looks Just Like You

One of the craziest things I’ve learned as a parent is that each child is very unique.

Even their facial features and body build are each different.

It always makes me wonder how God chooses which parts of you will be shared with your children.

As a child, I always took pride in my parent’s characteristics that people recognized in me.

However, somewhere in my youth I decided I was not pretty enough. Boys didn’t have crushes on me (as far as I knew), I wasn’t skinny, and I wasn’t very athletic.

I think this is a phase that comes with puberty and the teen years. As if all the added hormones weren’t enough to mess with our self-image, adding magazines and Hollywood only exacerbates the problem.

As I grew up, my mindset remained the same, although in hindsight I really can’t find the same evidence that proved I wasn’t good-looking enough for anyone.

As I’ve matured, I’ve learned that looks really don’t matter. I don’t try as hard to impress people or stand out in a crowd. I’m comfortable in my fluffy body and proud of the wonderful things it has done and created for me.

My self-worth has so little attachment to my looks anymore- a fact I feel proud of myself for overcoming.

Why do I share all of this with you?

Recently, someone said to me, “She looks just like you!” They were talking about my sweet Davi Jo.

I know, as a parent, it is natural for me to believe my children are the most adorable in the world. (Side note: So why wouldn’t God feel that way about us?)

I believe Davi is one of the most beautiful little girls I’ve ever seen. I often look at her and can’t believe I had a part in making her!

So when I was told that she looks just like me, my first thought was, “She’s too beautiful to look like me.”

Isn’t it amazing how those old insecurities stick with us for so long?

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” -Genesis 1:27

We are made in God’s image! To say we aren’t pretty enough is to say God isn’t pretty enough or that His work was flawed. God doesn’t make mistakes!

The enemy uses these thoughts to destroy our hope, faith, confidence, and our lives.

One of the unexpected blessings I have realized with motherhood is how God uses our children to heal the parts of us that were broken long before.

That comment from a friend helped me remember that I am wonderfully made.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

There have been other times where Bennett said something that struck right through my armour in a time of weakness.

You know those days when you just feel like you only make mistakes? Like you can’t do anything right? It seems like he recognizes those days and will compliment me or check on me.

“Mom, you sing so pretty.” “Mommy, I love you so much!” “How was your day mommy? Are you doing okay today?”

His care and love is one of the purest reflections of God that I’ve ever seen on this earth.

God not only used His Son to save our lives and give us life everlasting, He uses our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, and all of His tiny humans daily to remind us of His love.

Are you someone who has body image issues? Or maybe some negative self -talk? I encourage you to read your Bible, talk to God about it, and memorize the scriptures mentioned in this passage to help you rewrite the narrative in your mind. I’m still working on changing my mindset daily, so remember you’re not alone!

There are several bible studies that can help you work through negative self-talk, self-image, and low self-esteem that you can find in the YouVersion Bible App! Sometimes it just takes seeing something from another perspective to completely change your mindset.